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See Jabit's JavaDoc for a detailed documentation of all classes and methods. Feel free to either open an issue or create a pull request if you find something to be unclear or incorrect. {: .info}

Context Setup

The BitmessageContext provides all methods a usual Bitmessage client needs. Note that all its methods should be thread safe, but you'll need to check your BitmessageContext.Listener for thread safety. The listener may even be called simultaneously from different threads.

To keep the library small, flexible and independent from (but compatible to) heavy-duty frameworks such as Spring, the BitmessageContext needs to be initialized with all its dependencies.

Creating Identities

{% highlight java %} BitmessageAddress identity = ctx.createIdentity(false, Pubkey.Feature.DOES_ACK); {% endhighlight %}

If shorter is enabled, Jabit searches a private key that yields a slightly shorter address. This is not optimized and may take a long time to complete.

Importing Identities

Identities can be imported from PyBitmessages keys.dat by using the WifImporter from the library jabit-wif. The constructor needs a BitmessageContext and either a file, a string representation of a keys.dat or an input stream. The importer will throw an exception if the data can't be parsed.

Once constructed you can choose to list the contained identities, import all, a subset or a specific identity into the given BitmessageContext.

Exporting Identities

Exports work very similar to imports. A WifExporter also needs a BitmessageContext to construct. You then can add either all or specific identities to the importer. Id you provide specific identities, make sure they have a private key. They will not be reloaded.

If you're done adding identities, call one of the write methods to save the exported identities, or toString() for the string representation.
