Renamed InputStreams from in
and is
to input
, so it doesn't look strange in kotlin
This commit is contained in:
@ -116,15 +116,15 @@ class BitmessageAddress : Serializable {
constructor(address: String) {
this.address = address
val bytes = Base58.decode(address.substring(3))
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
val counter = AccessCounter()
this.version = varInt(`in`, counter)
|||| = varInt(`in`, counter)
this.ripe = Bytes.expand(bytes(`in`, bytes.size - counter.length() - 4), 20)
this.version = varInt(input, counter)
|||| = varInt(input, counter)
this.ripe = Bytes.expand(bytes(input, bytes.size - counter.length() - 4), 20)
// test checksum
var checksum = cryptography().doubleSha512(bytes, bytes.size - 4)
val expectedChecksum = bytes(`in`, 4)
val expectedChecksum = bytes(input, 4)
for (i in 0..3) {
if (expectedChecksum[i] != checksum[i])
throw IllegalArgumentException("Checksum of address failed")
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ open class CustomMessage(val customCommand: String, private val data: ByteArray?
fun read(`in`: InputStream, length: Int): CustomMessage {
fun read(input: InputStream, length: Int): CustomMessage {
val counter = AccessCounter()
return CustomMessage(varString(`in`, counter), bytes(`in`, length - counter.length()))
return CustomMessage(varString(input, counter), bytes(input, length - counter.length()))
@ -751,28 +751,28 @@ class Plaintext private constructor(
companion object {
fun read(type: Type, `in`: InputStream): Plaintext {
return readWithoutSignature(type, `in`)
fun read(type: Type, input: InputStream): Plaintext {
return readWithoutSignature(type, input)
fun readWithoutSignature(type: Type, `in`: InputStream): Plaintext.Builder {
val version = Decode.varInt(`in`)
fun readWithoutSignature(type: Type, input: InputStream): Plaintext.Builder {
val version = Decode.varInt(input)
return Builder(type)
.publicSigningKey(Decode.bytes(`in`, 64))
.publicEncryptionKey(Decode.bytes(`in`, 64))
.nonceTrialsPerByte(if (version >= 3) Decode.varInt(`in`) else 0)
.extraBytes(if (version >= 3) Decode.varInt(`in`) else 0)
.destinationRipe(if (type == MSG) Decode.bytes(`in`, 20) else null)
.ackMessage(if (type == MSG) Decode.varBytes(`in`) else null)
.publicSigningKey(Decode.bytes(input, 64))
.publicEncryptionKey(Decode.bytes(input, 64))
.nonceTrialsPerByte(if (version >= 3) Decode.varInt(input) else 0)
.extraBytes(if (version >= 3) Decode.varInt(input) else 0)
.destinationRipe(if (type == MSG) Decode.bytes(input, 20) else null)
.ackMessage(if (type == MSG) Decode.varBytes(input) else null)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class GenericPayload(version: Long, override val stream: Long, val data: ByteArr
companion object {
fun read(version: Long, stream: Long, `is`: InputStream, length: Int) =
GenericPayload(version, stream, Decode.bytes(`is`, length))
fun read(version: Long, stream: Long, input: InputStream, length: Int) =
GenericPayload(version, stream, Decode.bytes(input, length))
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ class GetPubkey : ObjectPayload {
companion object {
fun read(`is`: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int, version: Long): GetPubkey {
return GetPubkey(version, stream, Decode.bytes(`is`, length))
fun read(input: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int, version: Long): GetPubkey {
return GetPubkey(version, stream, Decode.bytes(input, length))
@ -16,8 +16,11 @@
package ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.payload
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.*
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.Encrypted
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.Plaintext
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.Plaintext.Type.MSG
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.PlaintextHolder
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.SignedStreamableWriter
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.exception.DecryptionFailedException
@ -103,8 +106,6 @@ class Msg : ObjectPayload, Encrypted, PlaintextHolder {
val ACK_LENGTH = 32
fun read(`in`: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int): Msg {
return Msg(stream,`in`, length))
fun read(input: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int) = Msg(stream,, length))
@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ open class V2Pubkey constructor(
companion object {
@JvmStatic fun read(`in`: InputStream, stream: Long): V2Pubkey {
@JvmStatic fun read(input: InputStream, stream: Long): V2Pubkey {
return V2Pubkey(
version = 2,
stream = stream,
behaviorBitfield = Decode.uint32(`in`).toInt(),
signingKey = Decode.bytes(`in`, 64),
encryptionKey = Decode.bytes(`in`, 64)
behaviorBitfield = Decode.uint32(input).toInt(),
signingKey = Decode.bytes(input, 64),
encryptionKey = Decode.bytes(input, 64)
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
package ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.payload
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.EncryptedStreamableWriter
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.SignedStreamableWriter
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.StreamableWriter
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.utils.Decode
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.utils.Encode
@ -144,16 +142,16 @@ class V3Pubkey protected constructor(
companion object {
@JvmStatic fun read(`is`: InputStream, stream: Long): V3Pubkey {
@JvmStatic fun read(input: InputStream, stream: Long): V3Pubkey {
return V3Pubkey(
version = 3,
stream = stream,
behaviorBitfield = Decode.int32(`is`),
signingKey = Decode.bytes(`is`, 64),
encryptionKey = Decode.bytes(`is`, 64),
nonceTrialsPerByte = Decode.varInt(`is`),
extraBytes = Decode.varInt(`is`),
signature = Decode.varBytes(`is`)
behaviorBitfield = Decode.int32(input),
signingKey = Decode.bytes(input, 64),
encryptionKey = Decode.bytes(input, 64),
nonceTrialsPerByte = Decode.varInt(input),
extraBytes = Decode.varInt(input),
signature = Decode.varBytes(input)
@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ open class V4Broadcast : Broadcast {
companion object {
fun read(`in`: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int): V4Broadcast {
return V4Broadcast(4, stream,`in`, length), null)
fun read(input: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int) =
V4Broadcast(4, stream,, length), null)
@ -137,13 +137,12 @@ class V4Pubkey : Pubkey, Encrypted {
companion object {
fun read(`in`: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int, encrypted: Boolean): V4Pubkey {
if (encrypted)
return V4Pubkey(stream,
Decode.bytes(`in`, 32),
||||`in`, length - 32))
return V4Pubkey(`in`, stream))
fun read(input: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int, encrypted: Boolean) = if (encrypted) {
Decode.bytes(input, 32),
||||, length - 32))
} else {
V4Pubkey(, stream))
@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ class V5Broadcast : V4Broadcast {
companion object {
fun read(`is`: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int): V5Broadcast {
return V5Broadcast(stream, Decode.bytes(`is`, 32),`is`, length - 32))
fun read(input: InputStream, stream: Long, length: Int) =
V5Broadcast(stream, Decode.bytes(input, 32),, length - 32))
@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ data class PrivateKey(
fun read(`is`: InputStream): PrivateKey {
val version = Decode.varInt(`is`).toInt()
val stream = Decode.varInt(`is`)
val len = Decode.varInt(`is`).toInt()
val pubkey = Factory.readPubkey(version.toLong(), stream, `is`, len, false) ?: throw ApplicationException("Unknown pubkey version encountered")
val signingKey = Decode.varBytes(`is`)
val encryptionKey = Decode.varBytes(`is`)
fun read(input: InputStream): PrivateKey {
val version = Decode.varInt(input).toInt()
val stream = Decode.varInt(input)
val len = Decode.varInt(input).toInt()
val pubkey = Factory.readPubkey(version.toLong(), stream, input, len, false) ?: throw ApplicationException("Unknown pubkey version encountered")
val signingKey = Decode.varBytes(input)
val encryptionKey = Decode.varBytes(input)
return PrivateKey(signingKey, encryptionKey, pubkey)
@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ object Factory {
return, streamNumber, length, version)
@JvmStatic fun readPubkey(version: Long, stream: Long, `is`: InputStream, length: Int, encrypted: Boolean): Pubkey? {
@JvmStatic fun readPubkey(version: Long, stream: Long, input: InputStream, length: Int, encrypted: Boolean): Pubkey? {
when (version.toInt()) {
2 -> return`is`, stream)
3 -> return`is`, stream)
4 -> return`is`, stream, length, encrypted)
2 -> return, stream)
3 -> return, stream)
4 -> return, stream, length, encrypted)
LOG.debug("Unexpected pubkey version $version, handling as generic payload object")
return null
@ -39,59 +39,52 @@ object V3MessageFactory {
private val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
fun read(`in`: InputStream): NetworkMessage? {
val command = getCommand(`in`)
val length = Decode.uint32(`in`).toInt()
fun read(input: InputStream): NetworkMessage? {
val command = getCommand(input)
val length = Decode.uint32(input).toInt()
if (length > 1600003) {
throw NodeException("Payload of $length bytes received, no more than 1600003 was expected.")
val checksum = Decode.bytes(`in`, 4)
val checksum = Decode.bytes(input, 4)
val payloadBytes = Decode.bytes(`in`, length)
val payloadBytes = Decode.bytes(input, length)
if (testChecksum(checksum, payloadBytes)) {
val payload = getPayload(command, ByteArrayInputStream(payloadBytes), length)
if (payload != null)
return NetworkMessage(payload)
return null
return payload?.let { NetworkMessage(payload) }
} else {
throw IOException("Checksum failed for message '$command'")
fun getPayload(command: String, stream: InputStream, length: Int): MessagePayload? {
when (command) {
"version" -> return parseVersion(stream)
"verack" -> return VerAck()
"addr" -> return parseAddr(stream)
"inv" -> return parseInv(stream)
"getdata" -> return parseGetData(stream)
"object" -> return readObject(stream, length)
"custom" -> return readCustom(stream, length)
else -> {
LOG.debug("Unknown command: " + command)
return null
fun getPayload(command: String, stream: InputStream, length: Int): MessagePayload? = when (command) {
"version" -> parseVersion(stream)
"verack" -> VerAck()
"addr" -> parseAddr(stream)
"inv" -> parseInv(stream)
"getdata" -> parseGetData(stream)
"object" -> readObject(stream, length)
"custom" -> readCustom(stream, length)
else -> {
LOG.debug("Unknown command: " + command)
private fun readCustom(`in`: InputStream, length: Int): MessagePayload {
return`in`, length)
private fun readCustom(input: InputStream, length: Int): MessagePayload =, length)
fun readObject(`in`: InputStream, length: Int): ObjectMessage {
fun readObject(input: InputStream, length: Int): ObjectMessage {
val counter = AccessCounter()
val nonce = Decode.bytes(`in`, 8, counter)
val expiresTime = Decode.int64(`in`, counter)
val objectType = Decode.uint32(`in`, counter)
val version = Decode.varInt(`in`, counter)
val stream = Decode.varInt(`in`, counter)
val nonce = Decode.bytes(input, 8, counter)
val expiresTime = Decode.int64(input, counter)
val objectType = Decode.uint32(input, counter)
val version = Decode.varInt(input, counter)
val stream = Decode.varInt(input, counter)
val data = Decode.bytes(`in`, length - counter.length())
val data = Decode.bytes(input, length - counter.length())
var payload: ObjectPayload
try {
val dataStream = ByteArrayInputStream(data)
@ -116,7 +109,7 @@ object V3MessageFactory {
private fun parseGetData(stream: InputStream): GetData {
val count = Decode.varInt(stream)
val inventoryVectors = LinkedList<InventoryVector>()
for (i in 0..count - 1) {
for (i in 0 until count) {
return GetData(inventoryVectors)
@ -125,7 +118,7 @@ object V3MessageFactory {
private fun parseInv(stream: InputStream): Inv {
val count = Decode.varInt(stream)
val inventoryVectors = LinkedList<InventoryVector>()
for (i in 0..count - 1) {
for (i in 0 until count) {
return Inv(inventoryVectors)
@ -134,7 +127,7 @@ object V3MessageFactory {
private fun parseAddr(stream: InputStream): Addr {
val count = Decode.varInt(stream)
val networkAddresses = LinkedList<NetworkAddress>()
for (i in 0..count - 1) {
for (i in 0 until count) {
networkAddresses.add(parseAddress(stream, false))
return Addr(networkAddresses)
@ -160,9 +153,7 @@ object V3MessageFactory {
private fun parseInventoryVector(stream: InputStream): InventoryVector {
return InventoryVector(Decode.bytes(stream, 32))
private fun parseInventoryVector(stream: InputStream) = InventoryVector(Decode.bytes(stream, 32))
private fun parseAddress(stream: InputStream, light: Boolean): NetworkAddress {
val time: Long
@ -188,12 +179,7 @@ object V3MessageFactory {
private fun testChecksum(checksum: ByteArray, payload: ByteArray): Boolean {
val payloadChecksum = cryptography().sha512(payload)
for (i in checksum.indices) {
if (checksum[i] != payloadChecksum[i]) {
return false
return true
return checksum.indices.none { checksum[it] != payloadChecksum[it] }
private fun getCommand(stream: InputStream): String {
@ -210,10 +196,10 @@ object V3MessageFactory {
return String(bytes, 0, end, Charsets.US_ASCII)
private fun findMagic(`in`: InputStream) {
private fun findMagic(input: InputStream) {
var pos = 0
for (i in 0..1619999) {
val b = `in`.read().toByte()
val b =
if (b == NetworkMessage.MAGIC_BYTES[pos]) {
if (pos + 1 == NetworkMessage.MAGIC_BYTES.size) {
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ object NodeRegistryHelper {
fun loadStableNodes(): Map<Long, Set<NetworkAddress>> {
javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("nodes.txt").use { `in` ->
val scanner = Scanner(`in`)
javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("nodes.txt").use { input ->
val scanner = Scanner(input)
var stream: Long = 0
val result = HashMap<Long, Set<NetworkAddress>>()
var streamSet: MutableSet<NetworkAddress>? = null
@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ import java.nio.ByteBuffer
object Decode {
@JvmStatic fun shortVarBytes(`in`: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter): ByteArray {
val length = uint16(`in`, counter)
return bytes(`in`, length, counter)
@JvmStatic fun shortVarBytes(input: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter): ByteArray {
val length = uint16(input, counter)
return bytes(input, length, counter)
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun varBytes(`in`: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): ByteArray {
val length = varInt(`in`, counter).toInt()
return bytes(`in`, length, counter)
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun varBytes(input: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): ByteArray {
val length = varInt(input, counter).toInt()
return bytes(input, length, counter)
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun bytes(`in`: InputStream, count: Int, counter: AccessCounter? = null): ByteArray {
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun bytes(input: InputStream, count: Int, counter: AccessCounter? = null): ByteArray {
val result = ByteArray(count)
var off = 0
while (off < count) {
val read = `in`.read(result, off, count - off)
val read =, off, count - off)
if (read < 0) {
throw IOException("Unexpected end of stream, wanted to read $count bytes but only got $off")
@ -49,60 +49,58 @@ object Decode {
return result
@JvmStatic fun varIntList(`in`: InputStream): LongArray {
val length = varInt(`in`).toInt()
@JvmStatic fun varIntList(input: InputStream): LongArray {
val length = varInt(input).toInt()
val result = LongArray(length)
for (i in 0..length - 1) {
result[i] = varInt(`in`)
for (i in 0 until length) {
result[i] = varInt(input)
return result
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun varInt(`in`: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Long {
val first = `in`.read()
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun varInt(input: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Long {
val first =
when (first) {
0xfd -> return uint16(`in`, counter).toLong()
0xfe -> return uint32(`in`, counter)
0xff -> return int64(`in`, counter)
0xfd -> return uint16(input, counter).toLong()
0xfe -> return uint32(input, counter)
0xff -> return int64(input, counter)
else -> return first.toLong()
@JvmStatic fun uint8(`in`: InputStream): Int {
return `in`.read()
@JvmStatic fun uint8(input: InputStream): Int =
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun uint16(`in`: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Int {
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun uint16(input: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Int {
||||, 2)
return `in`.read() shl 8 or `in`.read()
return shl 8 or
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun uint32(`in`: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Long {
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun uint32(input: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Long {
||||, 4)
return (`in`.read() shl 24 or (`in`.read() shl 16) or (`in`.read() shl 8) or `in`.read()).toLong()
return ( shl 24 or ( shl 16) or ( shl 8) or
@JvmStatic fun uint32(`in`: ByteBuffer): Long {
return (u(`in`.get()) shl 24 or (u(`in`.get()) shl 16) or (u(`in`.get()) shl 8) or u(`in`.get())).toLong()
@JvmStatic fun uint32(input: ByteBuffer): Long {
return (u(input.get()) shl 24 or (u(input.get()) shl 16) or (u(input.get()) shl 8) or u(input.get())).toLong()
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun int32(`in`: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Int {
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun int32(input: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Int {
||||, 4)
return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes(`in`, 4)).int
return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes(input, 4)).int
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun int64(`in`: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Long {
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun int64(input: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): Long {
||||, 8)
return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes(`in`, 8)).long
return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes(input, 8)).long
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun varString(`in`: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): String {
val length = varInt(`in`, counter).toInt()
@JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun varString(input: InputStream, counter: AccessCounter? = null): String {
val length = varInt(input, counter).toInt()
// technically, it says the length in characters, but I think this one might be correct
// otherwise it will get complicated, as we'll need to read UTF-8 char by char...
return String(bytes(`in`, length, counter))
return String(bytes(input, length, counter))
@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ class ExtendedEncodingTest {
fun `ensure simple message is encoded`() {
val `in` = Message.Builder()
val input = Message.Builder()
.subject("Test sübject")
.body("test bödy")
assertThat(`in`.zip(), notNullValue())
assertThat(, notNullValue())
val out = ExtendedEncodingFactory.unzip(`in`.zip())
assertThat<ExtendedEncoding>(out, `is`(`in`))
val out = ExtendedEncodingFactory.unzip(
assertThat<ExtendedEncoding>(out, `is`(input))
fun `ensure complete message is encoded and decoded`() {
val `in` = Message.Builder()
val input = Message.Builder()
.subject("Test sübject")
@ -72,22 +72,22 @@ class ExtendedEncodingTest {
assertThat(`in`.zip(), notNullValue())
assertThat(, notNullValue())
val out = ExtendedEncodingFactory.unzip(`in`.zip())
assertThat<ExtendedEncoding>(out, `is`(`in`))
val out = ExtendedEncodingFactory.unzip(
assertThat<ExtendedEncoding>(out, `is`(input))
fun `ensure vote is encoded and decoded`() {
val `in` = Vote.Builder()
val input = Vote.Builder()
assertThat(`in`.zip(), notNullValue())
assertThat(, notNullValue())
val out = ExtendedEncodingFactory.unzip(`in`.zip())
assertThat<ExtendedEncoding>(out, `is`(`in`))
val out = ExtendedEncodingFactory.unzip(
assertThat<ExtendedEncoding>(out, `is`(input))
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ class SerializationTest : TestBase() {
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val actual =, `in`)
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val actual =, input)
// Received is automatically set on deserialization, so we'll need to set it to null
val received ="received")
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ class SerializationTest : TestBase() {
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val actual =, `in`)
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val actual =, input)
// Received is automatically set on deserialization, so we'll need to set it to null
val received ="received")
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ class SerializationTest : TestBase() {
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val actual =, `in`)
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val actual =, input)
// Received is automatically set on deserialization, so we'll need to set it to null
val received ="received")
@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ class SerializationTest : TestBase() {
private fun doTest(resourceName: String, version: Int, expectedPayloadType: Class<*>) {
val data = TestUtils.getBytes(resourceName)
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(data)
val objectMessage = Factory.getObjectMessage(version, `in`, data.size)
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(data)
val objectMessage = Factory.getObjectMessage(version, input, data.size)
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ class SerializationTest : TestBase() {
val oos = ObjectOutputStream(out)
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val ois = ObjectInputStream(`in`)
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val ois = ObjectInputStream(input)
assertEquals(plaintext, ois.readObject())
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ class DecodeTest {
private fun testCodec(number: Long) {
val `is` = ByteArrayOutputStream()
Encode.varInt(number, `is`)
assertEquals(number, Decode.varInt(ByteArrayInputStream(`is`.toByteArray())))
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
Encode.varInt(number, out)
assertEquals(number, Decode.varInt(ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())))
@ -49,18 +49,18 @@ object TestUtils {
@JvmStatic fun loadObjectMessage(version: Int, resourceName: String): ObjectMessage {
val data = getBytes(resourceName)
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(data)
return Factory.getObjectMessage(version, `in`, data.size) ?: throw NoSuchElementException("error loading object message")
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(data)
return Factory.getObjectMessage(version, input, data.size) ?: throw NoSuchElementException("error loading object message")
@JvmStatic fun getBytes(resourceName: String): ByteArray {
val `in` = javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName)
val input = javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName)
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val buffer = ByteArray(1024)
var len = `in`.read(buffer)
var len =
while (len != -1) {
out.write(buffer, 0, len)
len = `in`.read(buffer)
len =
return out.toByteArray()
@ -71,9 +71,8 @@ object TestUtils {
return InventoryVector(bytes)
@JvmStatic fun getResource(resourceName: String): InputStream {
return javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName)
@JvmStatic fun getResource(resourceName: String): InputStream =
@JvmStatic fun loadIdentity(address: String): BitmessageAddress {
val privateKey = + ".privkey"))
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ object ContactExport {
version = version,
stream = stream,
`is` = ByteArrayInputStream(it),
input = ByteArrayInputStream(it),
length = it.size,
encrypted = false
@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ class CryptoCustomMessage<T : Streamable> : CustomMessage {
fun decrypt(privateKey: ByteArray): T {
val `in` = SignatureCheckingInputStream(container?.decrypt(privateKey) ?: throw IllegalStateException("no encrypted data available"))
val input = SignatureCheckingInputStream(container?.decrypt(privateKey) ?: throw IllegalStateException("no encrypted data available"))
if (dataReader == null) throw IllegalStateException("no data reader available")
val addressVersion = varInt(`in`)
val stream = varInt(`in`)
val behaviorBitfield = int32(`in`)
val publicSigningKey = bytes(`in`, 64)
val publicEncryptionKey = bytes(`in`, 64)
val nonceTrialsPerByte = if (addressVersion >= 3) varInt(`in`) else 0
val extraBytes = if (addressVersion >= 3) varInt(`in`) else 0
val addressVersion = varInt(input)
val stream = varInt(input)
val behaviorBitfield = int32(input)
val publicSigningKey = bytes(input, 64)
val publicEncryptionKey = bytes(input, 64)
val nonceTrialsPerByte = if (addressVersion >= 3) varInt(input) else 0
val extraBytes = if (addressVersion >= 3) varInt(input) else 0
val sender = BitmessageAddress(Factory.createPubkey(
@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ class CryptoCustomMessage<T : Streamable> : CustomMessage {
this.sender = sender
data =, `in`)
data =, input)
return data!!
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class CryptoCustomMessage<T : Streamable> : CustomMessage {
interface Reader<out T> {
fun read(sender: BitmessageAddress, `in`: InputStream): T
fun read(sender: BitmessageAddress, input: InputStream): T
private inner class SignatureCheckingInputStream internal constructor(private val wrapped: InputStream) : InputStream() {
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ data class ProofOfWorkRequest @JvmOverloads constructor(val sender: BitmessageAd
class Reader(private val identity: BitmessageAddress) : CryptoCustomMessage.Reader<ProofOfWorkRequest> {
override fun read(sender: BitmessageAddress, `in`: InputStream): ProofOfWorkRequest {
return, `in`)
override fun read(sender: BitmessageAddress, input: InputStream): ProofOfWorkRequest {
return, input)
@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ data class ProofOfWorkRequest @JvmOverloads constructor(val sender: BitmessageAd
companion object {
fun read(client: BitmessageAddress, `in`: InputStream): ProofOfWorkRequest {
fun read(client: BitmessageAddress, input: InputStream): ProofOfWorkRequest {
return ProofOfWorkRequest(
bytes(`in`, 64),
bytes(input, 64),
@ -44,14 +44,13 @@ class CryptoCustomMessageTest : TestBase() {
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val customMessage =`in`, out.size())
val customMessage =, out.size())
val messageAfter =,
object : CryptoCustomMessage.Reader<GenericPayload> {
override fun read(sender: BitmessageAddress, `in`: InputStream): GenericPayload {
return, 1, `in`, 100)
override fun read(sender: BitmessageAddress, input: InputStream) =
||||, 1, input, 100)
val payloadAfter = messageAfter.decrypt(sendingIdentity.publicDecryptionKey)
@ -72,9 +71,9 @@ class CryptoCustomMessageTest : TestBase() {
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val `in` = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
val customMessage =`in`, out.size())
val customMessage =, out.size())
val messageAfter =,
val requestAfter = messageAfter.decrypt(sendingIdentity.publicDecryptionKey)
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import java.util.*
class WifImporter constructor(
private val ctx: BitmessageContext,
`in`: InputStream,
input: InputStream,
vararg features: Pubkey.Feature
) {
private val identities = LinkedList<BitmessageAddress>()
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class WifImporter constructor(
init {
val ini = Ini()
for ((key, section) in ini) {
if (!key.startsWith("BM-"))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user