
280 lines
7.7 KiB

\ProvidesClass{bfh}[2015/04/21 Atricle Class for my BFH reports]
% Literatur- und Bilderquellen trennen
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% BFH Logo
% Linien
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%Zentrierte Titel
%Angaben zum Dokument
\textsf{Author} & \@author\\
\textsf{Tutor} & \@tutor\\
% \textsf{Expert} & \textsf\DozentA\\
% \textsf{Studiengang} & \textsf{\Studiengang}\vspace{5pt}\\
% \textsf{Autoren} & \textsf\AutorA\\
% & \textsf\AutorB\vspace{5pt}\\
% \textsf{Betreuer} & \textsf\DozentA\\
% & \textsf\DozentB\vspace{5pt}\\
% \textsf{Experten} & \textsf\ExpertA\\
% & \textsf\ExpertB\vspace{5pt}\\
\textsf{Date} & \textsf{\@date}\vspace{5pt}\\
% &\\
% &\\
% \multicolumn{2}{p{\columnwidth-\tabcolsep}}{\textsf{\input{titlepage/titlepage_info}}}\\
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morekeywords={Server, Listener, GlobalNamingResources,
Resource, ResourceLink, Service, Connector, Engine,
Host, Context, Environment,
beans, bean, broker, destinationPolicy, policyMap,
policyEntries, policyEntry, dispatchPolicy,
strictOrderDispatchPolicy, subscriptionRecoveryPolicy,
lastImageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy, managementContext,
persistenceAdapter, systemUsage, memoryUsage,
storeUsage, tempUsage, transportConnectors,
transportConnector, property, jetty, connectors,
nioConnector, handlers, webAppContext},
% Shows a listing and creates an attachment with the source
% 1 line number(s)
% 2 variable name
% 3 description
% 4 example values
% Makes a red box that highlights errors or very important warnings
% Makes a yellow box that highlights warnings
% Makes a blue box that highlights special information
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