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* Copyright 2015 Christian Basler
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package ch.dissem.apps.abit
import android.graphics.*
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt
import android.text.TextPaint
import ch.dissem.bitmessage.entity.BitmessageAddress
import org.jetbrains.anko.collections.forEachWithIndex
import kotlin.math.sqrt
* @author Christian Basler
class Identicon(input: BitmessageAddress) : Drawable() {
private val paint = Paint().apply {
style = Paint.Style.FILL
isAntiAlias = true
private val hash = input.ripe
private val isChan = input.isChan
private val fields = Array(SIZE) { BooleanArray(SIZE) }.apply {
for (row in 0 until SIZE) {
if (!isChan || row < 5 || row > 6) {
for (column in 0..CENTER_COLUMN) {
if ((row - SIZE / 2) * (row - SIZE / 2) + (column - SIZE / 2) * (column - SIZE / 2) < SIZE / 2 * SIZE / 2) {
this[row][column] = hash[(row * CENTER_COLUMN + column) % hash.size] >= 0
this[row][SIZE - column - 1] = this[row][column]
private val color = Color.HSVToColor(
(Math.abs(hash[0] * hash[1] + hash[2]) % 360).toFloat(),
private val background = Color.HSVToColor(
(Math.abs(hash[1] * hash[2] + hash[0]) % 360).toFloat(),
private val textPaint = TextPaint().apply {
textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER
color = 0xFF607D8B.toInt()
typeface = Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.BOLD)
override fun draw(canvas: Canvas) {
val width = bounds.width().toFloat()
val height = bounds.height().toFloat()
draw(canvas, 0f, 0f, width, height)
internal fun draw(canvas: Canvas, offsetX: Float, offsetY: Float, width: Float, height: Float) {
var x: Float
var y: Float
val cellWidth = width / SIZE.toFloat()
val cellHeight = height / SIZE.toFloat()
paint.color = background
canvas.drawCircle(offsetX + width / 2, offsetY + height / 2, width / 2, paint)
paint.color = color
for (row in 0 until SIZE) {
for (column in 0 until SIZE) {
if (fields[row][column]) {
x = offsetX + cellWidth * column
y = offsetY + cellHeight * row
x + cellWidth / 2, y + cellHeight / 2, cellHeight / 2,
if (isChan) {
textPaint.textSize = 2 * cellHeight
canvas.drawText("[ chan ]", offsetX + width / 2, offsetY + 6.7f * cellHeight, textPaint)
override fun setAlpha(alpha: Int) {
paint.alpha = alpha
override fun setColorFilter(cf: ColorFilter?) {
paint.colorFilter = cf
override fun getOpacity() = PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT
companion object {
private const val SIZE = 9
private const val CENTER_COLUMN = 5
class MultiIdenticon(input: List<BitmessageAddress>, @ColorInt private val backgroundColor: Int = 0xFFAEC2CC.toInt()) :
Drawable() {
private val paint = Paint().apply {
style = Paint.Style.FILL
isAntiAlias = true
color = backgroundColor
private val identicons = input.asSequence().sortedBy { it.isChan }.map { Identicon(it) }.take(4).toList()
override fun draw(canvas: Canvas) {
val width = bounds.width().toFloat()
val height = bounds.height().toFloat()
when (identicons.size) {
0 -> canvas.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, width / 2, paint)
1 -> identicons.first().draw(canvas, 0f, 0f, width, height)
2 -> {
canvas.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, width / 2, paint)
val w = width / 2
val h = height / 2
var x = 0f
val y = height / 4
identicons.forEach {
it.draw(canvas, x, y, w, h)
x += w
3 -> {
val scale = 2f / (1f + 2f * sqrt(3f))
val w = width * scale
val h = height * scale
canvas.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, width / 2, paint)
identicons[0].draw(canvas, (width - w) / 2, 0f, w, h)
identicons[1].draw(canvas, (width - 2 * w) / 2, h * sqrt(3f) / 2, w, h)
identicons[2].draw(canvas, width / 2, h * sqrt(3f) / 2, w, h)
4 -> {
canvas.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, width / 2, paint)
val scale = 1f / (1f + sqrt(2f))
val borderScale = 0.5f - scale
val w = width * scale
val h = height * scale
val x = width * borderScale
val y = height * borderScale
identicons.forEachWithIndex { i, identicon ->
identicon.draw(canvas, x + (i % 2) * w, y + (i / 2) * h, w, h)
override fun setAlpha(alpha: Int) {
identicons.forEach { it.alpha = alpha }
override fun setColorFilter(colorFilter: ColorFilter?) {
identicons.forEach { it.colorFilter = colorFilter }
override fun getOpacity() = PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT